Hi guys,
Steph here, yeah the annoying Asian kid who keeps asking useless questions.
Ms Chasen and I have been talking about this blog for a while but we finally decided to set it up tonight. I'll basically just update the blog whenever Ms Chasen wants me to update it or if I just want to put something really cool on...e.g illusions!
The basic purpose of this blog is:
1) To keep up to date with the work done in class.
2) Ask questions about things that you might not understand.
3) Have links to files or websites that may be relevant to the course outline or something that you may have missed because your school inbox was full. (I should be able to figure this out...)
4) Give a review of the things that we have done and are currently doing; and where you should be up to in class.
5) Discussions about stuff you might not understand.
6) Study tips
7) Cool stuff, like youtube videos, illusions, IQ test, etc....
NEW!!!! 8) Upload links to missed out handouts from class
That's all I can think of for now, but if I think of any more then I will add ASAP.
Feedback would be very helpful too.
An apology in advance, my typing skills aren't the greatest so if I make a mistake; forgive me. :)
Have any suggestions?
email me at my school email: fon0056@balwynhs.vic.edu.au
or my home email: sf15391@hotmail.com
hi steph, great work setting it up
BARR the openning sentence as u say "Classroom rules; no offensive language, be polite to each other, etc"
u are not following the rules lol
every1 watch RPA and medical emergency, has real pics of MRIs and PET scans
lol. i agree with greg. because he is gregful.
hi steph!!!
What do you mean by I'm not following the classroom rules?
when's the show on?
I wonder when Ms Chasen is going to have a look
because ure offending ureself lol
hmm not sure, thell be in the tv guide, wednesday and thurday ring a bell.
hiya steph!
awesome blog by the way xD
WOOT! GO HATSUHARU SOHMA!!! (steph's display picture >_<)
thanks so much for all the information you've posted up here, it's definitely going to help our class with studies! :P
oh yeah for all those that aren't sure, i'm Lee xD
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